While all normal precautions are taken to ensure their safety, the school will not be liable for any damages on account of any injury which a students may sustain while in school or taking part in any activity organized outside the school. In case of sickness needing special attention guardians/parents are informed at the earliest.
Nursery classes have all essential facilities to attract and motivate the tiny tots and create in them a liking “ to go to school”. Play and learn methods are used as children develop concepts and understanding of seeing. hearing and feeling.
In order to promote group cohesion , solidarity, team spirit and competitiveness among the students a “ House System” with all together four houses, has been devised. Every student by virtue of his/her admission is affiliated to a particular house and till the end of his/her schooling remains a member there of. Each house has a house-teacher assisted by other teachers. A house captain and a vice captain are selected from amongst the students, The overall responsibility of the performance of the house rests on the shoulders of these persons. This generates a sense of leadership, healthy competition and unity. A number of inter-house cultural, sports and literary activities are organised and the winner house is declared champion and is awarded Suitably with a trophy. These activities keep the students alive throughout the year.
Each class/section has a monitor either boy or girl. They perform duties assigned to them. Likewise each school vehicle has monitor who maintains discipline in the school vehicles. The school has a head boy and a head girl. The head boy, Head girl and house captains look after the school discipline.
The school band aims to inculcate artistic and melodious feelings among the blooming minds. It is played everyday during morning session/assembly, on occasions of festival celebration and during physical training shows.