+91 9939 46 5165 | npsgpj.office@gmail.com

General Rules & Infromations

  • All the students are advised to converse in English inside the school premises as to enhance their skill and fluency in the language.
  • Wanton damage to school property, disfiguring of walls, indecent language or behavior are punishable offences.
  • Smoking use of drugs & intoxicants etc are strictly prohibited.
  • Students must be clean and tidy in their person and dress.
  • Students are responsible for their belongings while every effort is made by the school authorities to reduce the loss of such articles, the ultimate responsibility rets with the students themselves.
  • Students suffering from infectious or contagious disease will not be permitted to attend school. A doctor’s certificate permitting him/her to attend school shall be essentially required to enable him/her to rejoin.
  • Fighting among the students is entirely prohibited. No group is permissible and same is punishable with expulsion.
  • A Student caught copying in any examination or found indulging in malpractice of any type will be expelled.
  • Silence will be observed in the classrooms, computer room, science lab and library.
  • Students are forbidden to contact outsiders without the permission of the Director/Principal/Teacher incharge.
  • Permission to go home/other place shall be granted by the Director/incharge before leaving and report to him/her on their return.
  • No student will leave the campus or be absent from school without prior permission.
  • Every students must take part in the morning assembly, school games/PT shows unless physically unfit and specially exempted by the Director/Principal
  • Books, magazines or periodicals not approved by the Director/Principal are strictly prohibited.
  • The case that justify the removal of a student by the school authorities are:
    1. Offences against honesty and morality.
    2. Grave and habitual insubordination.
    3. Non-payment.
    4. Any defect in the student either physical or moral which in their opinition is prejudicial to the welfare of other students of the school.
  • Students are advised not to keep money or gold ornaments or electronic items like walkman, transistor, mobilephones etc in their possession.
  • Students are not supposed to have cash with them. If cash is brought, it should be deposited at the school office.